E911Rds vector digital data E911RDS contains updated road centerline and road name data for Maine at 1:24,000 scale. E911RDS digital roads were developed, and are maintained, to serve the Enhanced 911 project in Maine. In 1988, Maine voters approved the statewide deployment of Enhanced 9-1-1 service. Enhanced 9-1-1 has many public safety benefits, the two most important features are: the public's ability to dial 9-1-1 for all emergencies and automatic caller location information, critical to speeding up the dispatch of emergency services. The Maine Office of GIS (MEGIS) is working with the Public Utilities Commission (MEPUC), Emergency Services Communication Bureau (ESCB) to support a statewide implementation of Enhanced 9-1-1 service. MEGIS' role in this implementation is to provide technical assistance to towns that need to establish physical addresses. Physical addresses for participating towns are developed based on community defined address intervals, and road names, applied to an updated set of digital roads. E911RDS data contains up-to-date road names and address ranges for participating Maine towns. Data is statewide and divided by minor civil divisions. The data set was developed from USGS 1:24,000 digital roads data and ESRI SDE feature class format. The project used GPS collection and worked with each municipality to verify road and roadname data. Other data sources include MEDOQs (appended, compressed USGS Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quadrangles), 10 meter panchromatic sharpened SPOT imagery from the USA Select Statewide Program and US Department of Commerce, Bureau of Census TIGER/LineFiles. A related table Standard Geocodes for Maine Minor Civil Divisions, 1971 is available at http://megis.maine.gov/catalog/ "Tables". The coverage includes the ARC items E911, RDNAME, RANGE. Ongoing maintenance of the final data includes the addition and/or correction of roads, roadnames and address ranges at the request of each municipalities Addressing Officer. E911RDS data was developed to implement the Enhanced 911 project in Maine. This data contains up-to-date road names and address ranges for the State of Maine. Data at this scale would be useful for planning, utility, development and various other applications. Northern Maine woods roads GPS'd by the Maine Forest Service during the summer of 2005 were added to the data set June 2006. The roads are not in the E911 system and have been provided only to assist local emergency efforts. Attributes on road class, road width and road condition were populated by the Maine Forest Service at the time of collection. This tabular data is available from the E911 project upon request and publication is pending. -71.162368 -66.851390 47.452380 43.065832 None transportation health communications emergency preparedness geocodes infrastructure mobility corridors numbered routes public roads roads towns townships None Users must assume responsibility in determining the usability of this data for their purposes. Digital maps retain the accuracy of their source materials. The best use of data mapped at scales of 1:500,000 and 1:250,000 is in statewide planning and studies; at 1:100,000 in regional planning and studies; at 1:62,500 and 1:24,000 in detailed studies and local planning; and at 1:12,000 and 1:5,000 or larger scales in parcel level studies and detailed local planning. In the use of Maine GIS data, please check sources, scale, accuracy, currentness and other available information. Please confirm that you are using the correct copy of both data and metadata from the Maine GIS Data Catalog. The Maine Office of Geographic Information Systems (MEGIS) provides notice of updates and corrections directly to the Maine GIS Technical Group and Maine GIS Users, through the MEGISTECH and MEGISUSER list servers. To subscribe please contact MeGIS through the Maine Office of Information Technology (OIT) Customer Support Center (CSC) at (207) 624-7700. To request data correction in, or provide updates to Maine GIS data, please use the contact information contained in the metadata. Updates, corrections, and feedback, incorporated in the Maine GIS database, are made in accordance with "Data Standards for Maine Geographic Information Systems", 2002, and coordinated by MEGIS in consultation with the Maine GIS Executive Council. Credit should always be given to the data source and/or originator when the data is transferred or printed. Microsoft Windows XP Version 5.1 (Build 2600) Service Pack 3; Esri ArcGIS Vector String 139247 Transverse Mercator 0.9996 -69.0 0.0 500000.0 0.0 coordinate pair 0.00006972556012178596 0.00006972556012178596 D North American 1983 GRS 1980 6378137.0 298.257222101 MEGIS.E911Rds SDE Feature Class Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI) AMUPDDAT refers to the date of update on an attribute of the feature. E911 project use. AMUPDORG AMUPDORG refers to the organization that performed an update to an attribute of the feature. Codes for this item are standardized acronyms (ME prefix for Maine state agencies, US prefix for USA federal agencies, all lower-case, no hyphens, no punctuation, confirmed). E911 project use. E911 denotes how a road is used in the e911 road system E911 project MEGIS 1 road is in the e911 system MEGIS 2 road is in E911 road system as limited access I.E. Interstate System MEGIS 3 Named woods road, no addresses MEGIS FMUPDDAT refers to the date of update on the location of a feature; can be used as cross reference to Process Date, part of the Data Quality/Process Step sections of FGDC metadata Maine GIS Technical Group, Feature Metadata subcommittee, for standardized code tables, definitions, and additional information see: http://megis.maine.gov/standards/flmeta/fmbrief.htm . FMUPDORG Refers to the organization responsible for the location of a feature; codes for this are standardized acronyms (ME prefix for Maine state agencies, US prefix for USA federal agencies, all lower-case, no hyphens, no punctuation, confirmed), cross references can be made between this item and the element Process Contact, part of the Data Quality/Process Step sections of FGDC metadata. Maine GIS Technical Group, Feature Metadata subcommittee, for standardized code tables, definitions, and additional information see: http://megis.maine.gov/standards/flmeta/fmbrief.htm . LCITY E9-1-1 Community name for left side of the arc MEGIS LCOUNTY County on left side of arc Maine E9-1-1 program LESN Carries the emergency service zone number to the left side of the arc. MEGIS LGEOCODE Maine geocode for left side of road Maine E9-1-1 program LPOSTOFFICE Post Office name on left side of road Maine E9-1-1 program LZIPCODE Zipcode on left side of road Maine E9-1-1 program L_ADD_FROM Lowest Address on left hand side of street segment Maine E9-1-1 program L_ADD_TO maximum address on left side of arc E-9-1-1- Project MEGIS OBJECTID Internal feature number. ESRI Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated. POSTDIR word used following street name relating to direction, eg. North, South, East or West. E911 project MEGIS PREDIR word used preceeding street name relating to direction, eg. North, South, East or West. E911 project MEGIS PVT designation for public or private road Maine E9-1-1 program RCITY E911 community name for right side of the arc MEGIS RCOUNTY County name on right side of road Maine E9-1-1 program RDNAME Road name (predir + street_name + suffix + postdir) E911 project MEGIS READD indicates process used to obtain address E911 project MEGIS 1 used MEGIS E911 process to obtain address ranges 0 used information provided by municipality, did not use MEGIS E911 process to obtain address 2 MEGIS supplied attributes RESN Carries the emergency service zone number to the right side of the arc. MEGIS RGEOCODE Maine geocode for right side of road Maine E9-1-1 program RPOSTOFFICE Post Office name on right side of road Maine E9-1-1 program RZIPCODE Zipcode on right side of road Maine E9-1-1 program R_ADD_FROM minimum address on right side of arc E911 Project MEGIS R_ADD_TO High address on right hand side of street E911 Project MEGIS SHAPE Feature geometry. ESRI Coordinates defining the features. SHAPE.LEN SOURCE Contains coded value for source of geometry E911 project MEGIS 1 24k-USGS 1:24000 7.5 minute map series 2 gps-global positioning system contractred via Maine E911 Program 3 gps-global positioning system data supplied by outside source 4 photorev - USGS photorevised data 5 tiger90-USCB TIGER Line files 6 taxmap- ownership parcels subject to taxation within an administrative division 7 100k -USGS base data from MEGIS library 8 24k-USGS 1:24000 7.5 minute series Island boundaries 10 doqq-USGS Digital Ortho Quadrangle 11 spot10-SPOTCORP 10 meter panchromatic sharpened imagery 12 ortho_hf GlobeXplorer CITIPIX 6 inch pixel resolution georeferenced, orthorectified imagery 13 ortho_mcp Space Imaging high resolution black & white imagery of the Maine coast 14 ortho_1f ME Geolibrary1 foot GSD color high resolution georeferenced, orthoimagery 15 ortho_2f ME Geolibrary 2 foot GSD color high resolution georeferenced, orthoimagery 16 Ortho_dmr 17 NAIP2006 18 NAIP2007 25 roughsrvy- rough measurement from a known point 41 engplan-engineering 19 Bar_Harbor_2008 Aerial Orthophotos at a resolution of 1 foot 20 NAIP 2009 43 MEDOT data - devmetrn.maine_net_map feature class 98 sketch-an undetailed preliminary drawing on paper 21 2010 NGA 1ft orthophotos 88 Paper street - approved by town/city but not yet constructed E911 Project MEGIS 80 Gated Road E911 Project MEGIS 81 Private Road - No Trespass E911 Project MEGIS STREETNAME Official name of a road as designated by local authority Maine E9-1-1 program ROUTE_NUM ROUTE_NUM represents the route number of the road MEGIS - E911 SUFFIX an affix occurring at the end of street name. for a current digital reference see Appendix C of the "Maine Enhanced 911 Addressing Guidebook for Local Governments" located at http://megis.maine.gov/projects/e911/guide/gb000.htm . TOWN Maine town or township name Maine E9-1-1 program E911RDS contain single line roads coded for road name in the item RDNAME, address ranges are listed in the item RANGE and E911 yes or no. FM items were coded from the item SOURCE. The item SOURCE remains for use and for demonstration of correspondence with FM values; however, FM items provide the most specific and accessible information about the sources of features. For more information on Maine GIS Feature Metadata recommendation, see http://megis.maine.gov/standards/flmeta/fmbrief.htm or contact the Maine Office of GIS at (207)624-7700 The ArcView shapefile, ArcGIS geodatabase formats, commonly used for Maine GIS data, carry default identifiers and attributes that are software generated and/or important for internal recordkeeping. These are listed here to avoid repetition for every layer, and may not be repeated in the attribute descriptions and definitions of each layer. Common software generated identifiers and attributes in Maine GIS data include: <title>#, <title>-ID, <title>_, <title>_ID, FID (feature identifier), Shape (feature geometry) and OBJECTID. (Units are meters for Maine GIS data.) Most GIS software packages also provide a means to calculate these values. It is important to test any columns containing PERIMETER, AREA or LENGTH values before using them for analysis purposes. These important values can be carried from format to format and become out-dated. Verify that the values are correct. Also, in your GIS software, please view the properties of data layers for the map units used to calculate these fields, and for the units set for display purposes. See access and use constraints information. SDE Feature Class 20120817 FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata FGDC-STD-001-1998 local time