

The scope of this document is to describe the design of the WURFL PHP API in order to make
it easy to integrate or extend the API.

Design overview
Because of the variety of Mobile Devices and formats that a modern Mobile application
should handle, this API provides an abstraction/layer on top of the wurfl.xml that provides:
	- device detection
	- capability quering


The API is divided into 2 layers:

The API Initialization layer that is represented by the
	- All Classes in WURFL/Xml/ package 

The Classes in the WURFL/Xml/ package are responsible for parsing the main wurfl.xml and 
patch files and creating the appropriate data structures:

	- $devicesMap 
		Associative array of <deviceID, device>
		where device is a snapshot of the xml device element
	- $groupIDCapabilitiesMap 
		Associative array of <groupID, capabilitiesName>
	- $userAgentsWithDeviceIDMap
		Associative array of <userAgent, deviceID>



The WURFL_Xml_Interface interface must be implemented by classes that will
parse a wurfl.xml or patch files and create a WURFL_Xml_ParsingResult object.

	 * Parses the given file and returns a WURFL_Xml_ParsingResult 
	 * object
	 * @param string $fileName
	 * @return WURFL_Xml_ParsingResult
	public function parse($fileName);
An instance of this class encapsulates the result of the parsing phase
	- $devicesMap
	- $groupIDCapabilitiesMap;

This Class is responsible for coordinating the parsing and patching of the xml file
containing devices and persisting the resulting data structures.
	- every device will be persisted(Serialized) on file system using the device id
	- $groupIDCapabilitiesMap
	- $userAgentsWithDeviceIDMap
	 * Returns an associative array containing <userAgent, deviceID> 
	 * @return array
	public function getUserAgentsWithDeviceID();
	 * Returns an associative array containing <groupID, capabilities>
	 * @return array
	public function getGroupIDCapabilitiesMap() {
 This class encapsulates a single device found in the WURFL file.


This class gives a base implementation of the two interfaces WURFL_Handlers_Filter and WURFL_Handlers_Matcher

The main idea behind the Handler class is to create many classes that can each
handle a specific task.

i.e There are NokiaUserAgentHandler, VodafoneUserAgentHandlre,....
    thare are specialized handled for each specific brand.
    If a request comes in (can be classification, or matching request) the first thing to
    decide is if that specified instance can handle it.
    If this is not the case, the request will be passed to the next available handler.
This interface must be implemented by classes that can handle
	- devices classification process. i.e the process of grouping the devices
	  based on some patterns. In this case we use some patterns found in the user agent of
	  the devices
	- persisting the output of the classification process


	 * The filter() method is used to classify devices based on patterns
	 * in their user agents.
	 * @param string $userAgent User Agent of the device
	 * @param string $deviceID  id of the the device
	public function filter($userAgent, $deviceID);

	 * The persistData() method is resposible to 
	 * saving the classification output(associative arrays that holds <userAgent, deviceID> pair))  
	public function persistData();

This interface must be implemented by classes that can find(match) an apropriate device id for
the given request

	 * Returns a matching device id for the given request
	 * If no matching device is foud will return "generic"
	 * @param WURFL_Request_GenericRequest $request
	public function match(WURFL_Request_GenericRequest $request);